10 Weird Things to Accersorize Your Home Decor in Minutes

Rubber Duckies

Place rubber duckies in unexpected spots around your home for a playful touch.

Vintage Keys

Hang vintage keys on hooks or display them in a bowl for an interesting and mysterious accent piece.

Mismatched Socks

Use mismatched socks as quirky plant pot covers or as stuffing for unique throw pillows.

Antique Cameras

Display antique cameras on shelves or use them as bookends for a vintage-inspired vibe.

Funky Hats

Hang funky hats on wall hooks or drape them over chair backs to add personality to your space.

Miniature Gnomes or Fairies

Place miniature gnomes or fairies in potted plants or hidden around your home for a whimsical surprise.

Vintage Suitcases

Stack vintage suitcases to create an interesting side table or use them as storage containers for a nostalgic touch.

Musical Instruments

Hang musical instruments on the wall as decorative accents and conversation starters.

Miniature Plastic Dinosaurs

Scatter miniature plastic dinosaurs on bookshelves or windowsills for a fun and unexpected twist.

Cork Collection

Display your collection of wine corks in glass jars or vases for a rustic and eco-friendly decoration.