Are you thinking about selling or renovating your home in 2022? There are a lot of DIY jobs you can do that will have a huge impact on the appearance and value of your home. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at a few different ways you can spruce up your home for the new year.

1. Touch up the paint work

If you’ve ever re-painted a room before, you will know that it can completely transform the space. Whether you change the colour of a room or cover mucky handprints, a fresh layer of paint can really bring a room to life.

To help you work more efficiently, we’d recommend purchasing a platform step ladder, this will help you reach the corners of your room easily. A platform step ladder is even more ideal, because it features a flat surface that you can keep your equipment (and cups of tea) on while you paint.

2. Check the roof

During the winter months, our roofs take a battering, which means there can be damage that we don’t usually see. It’s wise to check your roof from time to time to make sure that there aren’t any loose roof slates or leaks.

You can use a roof ladder to stabilise you while you carry out your inspection. These are designed to hook over your roof and provide a stable platform for you to work on. Fixing any broken roof slates will help your house to last longer & it will also increase the value.

3. Re-point brickwork

We don’t often think about the bricks that make up our houses, but we should. Taking care of them can ensure that your house lasts for years to come. During the winter, bricks are subject to a harsh freeze and thaw process which can cause the pointing between the bricks to degrade.

We recommend using a scaffold tower to support you while you re-point the brickwork. This will improve your home’s curb appeal and will make it more appealing to potential buyers.

4. Install a new loft ladder

Most homes have an attic, and while it’s not a space we tend to use often, it is important to give it a bit of TLC from time to time. A quick way to upgrade your attic is to install a new loft ladder. Whether you choose wood, aluminum or steel, you will get a lot of enjoyment out of your attic with a new loft ladder

For those of you considering a loft conversion to help you make better use of your space in the new year, we’d recommend choosing a more sturdy, loft staircase made of timber. These are not only incredibly durable, but they’ll add a charming, rustic feel to your new space too.

5. Clean your gutters

Finally, if you haven’t got around to cleaning out your gutters in 2021, we’d recommend taking the time to do it in the new year. During autumn and winter, leaves gather in the gutters and can clog them up which means they won’t drain properly. Over time, if the blockages aren’t cleared, you can end up with water leaking through your roof!

If you’re looking for a few ways to improve your home in the new year, we hope you’ve found some inspiration in this blog. All of these DIY jobs can be completed with minimal equipment, so they’re definitely worth scheduling into the new year.