Medical practitioners recommend massage therapy as one of the best ways to soothe your exhausted mind and body. In essence, massage therapy helps in alleviating and dodging back as well as neck pain. However, to get a relaxing massage, you will probably have to part with a pretty penny. Subsequently, instead of paying more for massage therapy, it is wise to consider buying your massage chair. 

In case planning to buy a massage chair, here are some of the things you need to look for:

  1. Massage Functions

If you intend to buy masseuse massage chairs, it is important to first look at their features and functions. For instance, low-end massage chairs only offer simple vibration as well as rolling massage. Conversely, high end massage chairs come with a wide range of features that can help to improve your massage experience. Some of the key features or functions to consider before buying a massage chair include, for instance, rolling, vibration, tapping, reflexology, and kneading. 

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  1. Massage Positions

Other than diverse massage styles, massage chairs target different areas than just your back. As such, a good massage chair should also feature, for instance, leg and foot massage as well arm and wrist massages. Moreover, advanced massage chairs comprise features such as a thumb-like massage head that imitate the therapeutic benefits you are likely to get from a trip to a masseuse. 

  1. Massage Rollers

When you decide to buy massage chairs, you need to make sure that one of the features in the chairs is the massage rollers. Some massage chairs offer, for instance, customization on the height and width of the rollers. 

  1. Massage Airbags

Massage airbags can provide you with a powerful comfort from tension as well as stiffness. This is because; massage airbags distribute pressurized air to small pouches that are situated in the massage chair’s back, legs or sides. Further, when the airbags are inflated, they compress your muscles, thus helping to stimulate your blood flow. Accordingly, if you prefer to get a massage chair with an airbag function, then, consider looking for one that can offer both airbag and rolling massage concurrently. 

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  1. Heated Massage

A significant number of advanced massage chairs often come with features such as a heated massage seat. A massage chair with infrared heat can help to improve your massage experience as it increases relaxation to your muscles. 

  1. Recline Function

You should consider buying a high-end massage chair because it has a wide range of features that include, for instance, recline options such as Zero Gravity. A massage chair with recline options can help you to place your body in a position that is gravity neutral. Some of the benefits you are likely to derive from a massage chair with recline options include lowering your heart rate, reducing tension as well boosting healthy circulation. 


In case you need a massage to relax your body and mind, you can consider buying your masseuse massage chairs with a variety of features that will not only save you the extra money that you waste every time you visit a masseuse but also improve your massage experience.