Working full time while being a parent can be challenging at times. Especially when you have to find childcare that you can trust. Finding a reputable daycare provider takes time and research, and many parents are unsure where to start. Stick with us while we go over some tips to follow when finding a daycare for your child.

Is the Daycare Licensed Correctly?

Before considering a daycare facility, you should first look at all its licensing elements and requirements. The program itself should, of course, be licensed since it’s illegal to operate without one. With that, you should also look at the director’s degrees, employee training, and background checks for employees, along with other common standards.

If the facility lacks licensing for all elements of its program, it’s definitely a red flag. Looking at past inspection reports and online reviews can also give you a good idea of how the program is run. Along with that, online reviews can tell you about other people’s experiences with the daycare.

Ask About Their Policies and Standards

Each daycare facility should have many policies and standards that indicate how they interact with the children who go there for childcare. As a parent, it’s essential to take note of these policies and industry standards. Daycares should never humiliate or treat children with disrespect, and they should have procedures in place for when a child becomes sick, injured, or lost. Similarly, there must be enough adults for each child.

It’s another red flag if the daycare does not have clear policies and standards regarding children’s behavioral issues, injuries, sickness, emergencies, and more. Your child’s safety and health are critical, and these policies are what will keep your child protected.

Visit the Facility

It’s a good idea to schedule a visit before you commit to a specific daycare. The facility may seem great over the phone, but it may not be as great when you see the building in person. Going to the building and seeing how the caretakers interact with the children is important to have peace of mind while leaving your child there.

All daycares should be happy to schedule a visit with you to visit the building. It could be another red flag if they seem hesitant or resistant to the idea. They most likely will be more than glad to meet you and schedule a visit before you sign up with them.

Do Your Own Research on the Building

The building itself may be one of the largest concerns. Even if the employees are great, the building itself may be a source of danger. For example, structures may contain lead-based paint if they were built before 1978. It takes extraordinary steps to remove the paint, so do your research about the building and when it was built. Luckily, you can easily find this information with PeopleFinders address lookup.

Final Thoughts

It can be nerve-wracking to leave your child in the care of other people. However, with the right amount of research, you can make sure that your daycare is safe so that you can feel comfortable with their services.